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Special Transportation Studies

Beginning in Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16), Tri-County has set aside MPO funds annually to be programmed for local jurisdictions in the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) to undertake consultant-led special transportation planning projects. TCRPC receives funding requests during an annual call for projects, scores them based on set evaluation criteria, prioritizes them with a review committee, and ultimately approves them for funding.

Jurisdictions may apply for all or part of the Special Transportation Studies set aside but may not request any amount beyond the available funding. Projects must be completed by the end of the fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th), with a potential extension to the end of the calendar year.

Available Funding

Tri-County’s FY 2025 Special Transportation Studies applications were due to staff by Friday, June 14, 2024. It is anticipated that FY 2026 Call for Projects should occur sometime in late Spring 2025 or early summer 2025.

Previously funded Projects

Below is a listing of previously completed projects organized by funding year.

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