Special Transportation Studies
Beginning in Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16), Tri-County has set aside MPO funds annually to be programmed for local jurisdictions in the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) to undertake consultant-led special transportation planning projects. TCRPC receives funding requests during an annual call for projects, scores them based on set evaluation criteria, prioritizes them with a review committee, and ultimately approves them for funding.
Jurisdictions may apply for all or part of the Special Transportation Studies set aside but may not request any amount beyond the available funding. Projects must be completed by the end of the fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th), with a potential extension to the end of the calendar year.
Available Funding
Tri-County’s FY 2025 Special Transportation Studies applications were due to staff by Friday, June 14, 2024. It is anticipated that FY 2026 Call for Projects should occur sometime in late Spring 2025 or early summer 2025.
Previously funded Projects
Below is a listing of previously completed projects organized by funding year.
TCRPC made $155,000 available for funding Special Transportation Studies and awarded the following four projects:
1. Illinois Route 29 Viaduct Benefit-Cost Analysis
The City of Chillicothe was awarded $30,000 to conduct a benefit-cost analysis to identify, quantify, and compare expected benefits (i.e., safety, congestion, livability, etc.) and the costs necessary for improving the Illinois Route 29 viaduct to show the economic viability and competitiveness of the project.
2. Germantown Hills to McClugage Bridge Trail Feasibility Study
The Village of Germantown Hills received $45,000 to undertake a trail feasibility study along Illinois Route 116 to identify and analyze the potential development of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations from US-150/US-24 to Woodland Knolls Road in Germantown Hills.
3. Village of Peoria Heights Active Transportation Plan
The Village of Peoria Heights was awarded $50,000 with a $10,000 local contribution for the development of an active transportation plan with the ultimate goal of modernizing transportation in the Village by identifying gaps in service, analyzing the efficiency of current and proposed pathways, and assessing the effectiveness of prospective infrastructure improvements.
4. Waverly Avenue Access, Circulation, and Parking Study
The City of West Peoria received $30,000 for the development of an access, circulation, and parking study along North Waverly Avenue to identify constraints and provide a set of actionable alternatives to create an appropriate balance between safety, mobility, and accessibility for all users.
TCRPC made $123,000 available for funding Special Transportation Studies and awarded the following four projects:
1. The City of Pekin Master Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
The City of Pekin and Pekin Park District was awarded $60,000 with a $10,000 local match to prepare a Master Plan that develops a cohesive approach for policy adjustments and strategic improvements for safe bicycle and pedestrian transportation throughout Pekin.
2. The City of Peoria Sterling Avenue and Forrest Hill Intersection Safety Study
The City of Peoria received $28,000 with a $7,000 local match to undertake a safety study that completes a preliminary review of the infrastructure condition, intersection geometry, and crashes occurring at the intersection of Sterling Avenue and Forrest Hill and prepares an IDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program grant application.
3. Regional Travel Demand Model (TDM) Requests
The MPO received $22,830 to complement TDM requests from member agencies for roadway projects, such as detour impacts for Allen Road from War Memorial Drive to Northmoor Road, and collect data to improve the operation of the TDM.
4. The City of Chillicothe Trail Master Plan
The City of Chillicothe received $20,214 to overhaul its Trail Master Plan to streamline, economize, and align routes and phases with potential funding opportunities.
TCRPC made $80,000 available for funding Special Transportation Studies and awarded the following two projects:
1. The City of Peoria Passenger Rail Station Study
Peoria was awarded $50,000 to complement the IDOT Chicago-Peoria Passenger Rail Feasibility by exploring an ideal location for a potential multimodal transit center that accommodates passenger rail, fixed-route bus service, intercity bus service, and even bikes.
2. The City of East Peoria Stormwater Management Planning
The City of East Peoria received $30,000 to inventory and access the City’s storm sewer infrastructure in selected high need areas, particularly along the bluff, to understand the extent of erosion and sedimentation issues related to transportation.
TCRPC made $90,000 available for funding Special Transportation Studies and awarded the following two projects:
1. The City of East Peoria Riverfront Trail Study
East Peoria was awarded $50,000 to identify and develop a feasibility study trail network that runs along the Illinois River connecting the planned pedestrian accommodations on the McClugage Bridge and Bob Michel Bridge.
2. Woodford County Pavement Evaluation and Management
Woodford County received $42,600 to perform a pavement evaluation to determine the pavements’ load-carrying capacity, required structural improvement to meet expected loads, treatment costs, and other improvements needed to meet current geometric standards, as per IDOT’s 3R requirements.
TCRPC made $90,000 available for funding Special Transportation Studies and awarded the following four projects:
1. The City of Peoria Pavement Management Decision Optimization
Peoria was awarded $33,600 and contributed a local match of $8,400 for a total project cost of $42,000. The provided funding purchased the Decision Optimization Technology software from Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. to aid in the project prioritization process that utilizes technology and community importance metrics.
2. Peoria County Regional Smart Mobility Plan, Phase II
Peoria County received $30,000 to continue the Greater Peoria Smart Mobility Plan to explore an actionable plan to deploy a supporting infrastructure of Smart Cities, including connected and automated vehicles, identified from the FY 2019 Special Transportation Study.
3. The Village of Morton Bike Master Plan
Morton was awarded $16,800 and contributed a local match of $4,200 for a total project cost of $21,000. The funding was for a Bike Master Plan that evaluated all bicycle facility types to create a master plan that considers the varied needs of different rider types, surrounding land uses, and trip types and connects bikeable destinations within the Village. Additionally, regional bikeway trail heads will be connected to the Morton bicycle network to easily and safely attach the region to Mortin destinations.
4. Woodford County Asset Management & Feasibility Project
Woodford County received $9,500 to develop a computer-based system that assisted with developing short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (5+ years) plans for maintenance and capital improvements. The project also provided a format for monitoring conditions, scheduled inspections, and aid benefit/cost scenario preparations for scheduled repair, replacements, or enhancements for the various assets included in the program.