Water Supply Planning

 Why plan for water supply?

Water flows in the region in ways that we often do not see every day, though it is crucial to our everyday lives. It affects residents, businesses, industries, navigation, aquatic ecosystems, and recreation. Tri-County manages the Middle Illinois Basin Committee (MIBC) water supply planning initiative. The MIBC includes members from seven counties: Peoria, Woodford, Livingston, LaSalle, Putnam, Marshall, and Stark.


Middle Illinois Recommendations Report available now

We conducted a series of stakeholder interviews in early 2021, coupled with 2019-2020 in-person meetings, to create a list of recommendations to sustain the region’s water supply. Read through the final draft document here!

Who is involved?

Working alongside state agencies including the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS), Tri-County completed the first part of a three-pronged planning process. After evaluating the state of water supply and demand in the Middle Illinois Basin, we are now beginning the second phase to craft recommendations ensuring a water-secure future. Further in the future, Tri-County will collaborate on means to implement these recommendations.

Need More Information?

Staff Contact

Reema Abi-Akar

The ISWS developed two reports regarding the Middle Illinois Basin: one focusing on water supply and the other on water demand. You can access the final versions here:

Water Supply in the Middle Illinois Region

Water Demand in the Middle Illinois Region

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