Public Involvement
Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC) wants to learn from your experiences to make the best decisions possible. The planning work completed by committees and staff affects the future of all those who live, work, and play in the Tri-County region. TCRPC works to ensure that local residents, stakeholders, and governmental entities are represented in the planning process. Public input opportunities exist for all plans and studies completed or funded by Tri-County.

Ways to Get Involved
How do you fit into the planning process? Residents and stakeholders are likely to know more current information than what is available to planning professionals. Why is this? Residents and stakeholders have different perspectives and use our natural and built environment daily. This is why it is important to be involved in the planning process.
There are many ways to make planners aware of your needs and concerns and also help develop solutions to problems.
- Join TCRPC’s email list.
- Contact TCRPC staff for more information.
- Attend TCRPC meetings.
- Provide input on projects and plans
- Invite staff to present at your community organization.

Public Participation Plan
The Public Participation Plan (PPP) ensures the transportation planning process conducted by TCRPC complies with federal requirements for community involvement. This document outlines procedures designed to promote and encourage public participation and involvement in the transportation planning process. TCRPC developed these strategies to inform the public and gain a holistic perspective of the region.
The procedures outlined in the PPP provide opportunities for citizens, stakeholders, and governmental jurisdictions to contribute ideas and opinions during the planning process. TCRPC recognizes the importance of effective public participation and the inclusion of traditionally underserved populations to ensure all perspectives are accounted for and represented in the transportation planning process.
Title VI Program
“Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., and its implementing regulations provide that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that receives federal assistance”.
Tri-County is dedicated to providing access to the transportation planning process and associated planning documents to all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, socioeconomic status, English proficiency, or disability. Any person who believes they have been subjected to discrimination by TCRPC and its activities is encouraged to submit a complaint. For more information on the complaint process and procedures please see TCRPC legal web page.
The Title VI Plan also includes Environmental Justice considerations, which consider impacts to low-income, minority, and other disadvantaged populations within transportation planning and decision-making.
Finally, the Limited English Proficiency section addresses language assistance needs to ensure meaningful access to transportation planning by persons with limited English proficiency.