Long-Range Transportation Plan
As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Tri-County Regional Planning Commission maintains the region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which satisfies the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) requirement described in Title 23 Code of Federal Regulation Section 450.324. The Long-Range Transportation Plan 2045 is the current LRTP, adopted on June 3, 2020, for the Peoria-Pekin Urbanized Area.
Current LRTP Planning Update
How do you want to get around the Greater Peoria area in 2050? Whether walking, biking, driving, or taking public transit, we must look at how our system is growing and create a plan that works for all of us. Tri-County is currently in the process of updating our region’s LRTP. Learn more at the LRTP 2050 Project Webpage.
Federally-required, regionally-focused
The LRTP is an important document that serves as a guide for the future development and maintenance of the Peoria-Pekin Urbanized Area transportation system. The LRTP covers 25 years and identifies current and future needs based on population projections and travel demand. The plan is updated every five years to reflect the changing dynamics of the region. As a guide for future development and maintenance of the region’s transportation system, projects must be included in the most current LRTP to be eligible for federal funding.
During the planning process, TCRPC staff facilitate the plan developed with the help of an Advisory Committee. A diverse group of regional stakeholders makes up the Advisory Committee, responsible for developing the plan’s goals and objectives and prioritizing projects for inclusion in the document. This committee also provides technical expertise for the various transportation subjects included in the LRTP. Additionally, TCRPC conducts public outreach to gain input, including public meetings, open houses, and focus groups.
LRTP Document | |
Current: | Long-Range Transportation Plan 2045 (PDF) Amendment I (PDF) |
Previous: | Envision HOI – Long-Range Transportation Plan (PDF) |