Peoria County Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
2023 Update
Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC) is beginning the process to update the Tri-County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) to better protect the people and property of the Tri-County Region from the effects of natural and man-made hazard events. TCRPC has contracted with American Environmental Corporation (American) and WSP Environment & Infrastructure (WSP) to facilitate the planning process and prepare the plan document. WSP will be responsible for coordination with Peoria County and its incorporated jurisdictions.
Additionally, the plan for Peoria County will be prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Community Rating System. The Community Rating System (CRS) rewards communities for activities that go beyond the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) with discounted flood insurance premiums. Under the CRS, flood insurance premium rates are adjusted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from community activities that (1) reduce flood losses, (2) facilitate accurate insurance ratings, and (3) promote awareness of flood insurance.
The Peoria County HMP will be prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390) and the implementing regulations set forth by the Interim Final Rule published in the Federal Register on February 26, 2002, (44 CFR §201.6) and finalized on October 31, 2007. These regulations establish the requirements that hazard mitigation plans must meet in order for Peoria County and its incorporated jurisdictions to be eligible for certain federal disaster assistance and hazard mitigation funding
under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act (Public Law 93-288). Because Peoria County is subject to many kinds of hazards, access to these federal programs is vital.
Participating Jurisdictions
Nine jurisdictions throughout Peoria County are participating in the planning process:
- Village of Bartonville
- City of Chillicothe
- Greater Peoria Sanitary District
- Village of Hanna City
- City of Peoria
- Peoria County
- Village of Peoria Heights
- Peoria Park District
- City of West Peoria
Citizen Questionnaire
As part of our public outreach and participation strategy, a citizen questionnaire was developed to gauge public perception about the natural hazards that impact Tazewell and Woodford counties. The information provided in the survey helped us as we conducted the planning process.

Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee
- Location: Peoria Main Branch Library, Lower Level 2 Auditorium, 107 NE Monroe St, Peoria, IL 61602
- Time: 1:30 PM
- Minutes & Supporting Documents
- Location: 456 Fulton Street, Suite 420, Peoria, IL 61602
- Time: 5:30 PM
- News Release
- Presentation
- Meeting Minutes
- Virtual
- Time: 1:30 PM
- Meeting Minutes
- Location: 456 Fulton Street, Suite 420, Peoria, IL 61602
- Time: 1:30 PM
- Meeting Minutes and Slides
- Virtual
- Location: 456 Fulton Street, Suite 420, Peoria, IL 61602
- Time: 5:30 PM
- Press Release
- Presentation
- Virtual
- Time: 1:30 PM
- Press Release
- Meeting Minutes