Michael Bruner has been with Tri-County since February 2017 and currently serves as a Planner III. Michael has a Bachelor of Science in Community and Regional Planning from Missouri State University and a Master of Arts in Geography and Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Community Development from Western Illinois University. Michael's experience is in Geographic Information Systems and data collection; grant writing and administration; environmental planning for the Peoria Lakes; hazard mitigation planning; public participation; and community comprehensive planning. Currently, Michael serves as the Transportation Planner for the Peoria-Pekin urbanized area.
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The latest from TCRPC

NOTICE OF CITIZEN REVIEW: Long-Range Transportation Plan
Reema Abi-Akar

Notice of Citizen Review: HSTP Region 5 Update
Michael Bruner

Germantown Hills Trail Study Gathers Public Feedback
Michael Bruner

LRTP Virtual Public Engagement Opportunity
Michael Bruner