Call for Projects

Occasionally, TCRPC will release a formal Call for Projects for programming projects with Commission-allocated federal funding. 

This page lists all active Funding Opportunities available from TCRPC.

Current Call for Projects

Combined Program Call for Projects for Commission-allocated Funds:

  • Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)
  • Section 5310
  • Surface Transportation Block Grant
    • Traditional Program
    • Preservation Set-Aside
  • Transportation Alternatives

Read through regional and national goals at this link to ensure that your project is consistent with these documents.  

Applicants who are applying for enhancement projects (CRP and TA funding) are required to estimate Greenhouse Gas emission reductions. The FHWA has developed the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Emissions Calculator Toolkit that can be utilized for this Call for Projects. 

Tri-County staff has developed a brief overview of the CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit.


April 17, 2024 Call for Projects issued
May 9, 2024Pre-Application Webinar
June 28, 2024Applications are due by 3:30 p.m.
July 2024TCRPC reviews applications
August 21, 2024Project presentations presented at the Technical Committee
August 21, 2024Project Review Subcommittee established
September 18, 2024Project Review Subcommittee convenes, reviews applications, assigns scores, and makes recommendations to the Technical Committee
October 16, 2024Technical Committee considers Project Review Subcommittee recommendation and makes recommendations to Commission
November 6, 2024Commission considers Technical Committee recommendations and program funding

Pre-Application Webinar

Tri-County hosted a webinar for prospective applicants that covered all aspects of the Combined Program Call for Projects and allowed participants to ask questions. Webinar attendance was optional. Access the materials here:

Funding Programs

Carbon Reduction Program

The CRP is a new federal program that provides funding for projects that reduce transportation emissions while increasing the quality of life in the region.

Section 5310

Section 5310 is a funding program from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that provides funding for capital and operational expenses to help improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Transportation Alternatives

TA is a funding program that provides dollars for small-scale transportation project that provide facilities for active transportation users, such as walkers and bicyclists.

Surface Transportation Block Grants

STBG is a funding program that provides dollars for regionally significant roadway projects in three categories: New Roadways, Pavement Preservation, and Reconstruction.

Other Funding Programs

Other funding programs not included in the Combined Call for Projects are as follows.

Special Transportation Studies

Tri-County has set aside MPO funds annually to be programmed for local jurisdictions to apply for funding to undertake transportation planning projects.
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