The Plan puts forth a vision for what Tazewell County wants to be in the future. This vision is the set of desired future conditions that the County seeks to achieve in the future. While it is true that some changes that occur in Tazewell County are outside of the County’s control, it is also true that Tazewell County possesses tremendous potential to direct the change it seeks. The vision for this
Comprehensive Land Use Plan is unique only to Tazewell County. As a result, necessary actions must be carefully selected to achieve the particular vision.

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan is a guidance document that recommends policies to address issues such as land use, transportation, and economic development. Because a comprehensive planning process utilizes data and public input to yield recommended policies, it is the ideal vehicle on which to base land use regulations such as the zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance. So, while the Plan does not hold the force of law, it does guide the regulations that govern land use development in Tazewell County.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Plans
Tags: Land Use
Author: Debbie Ulrich
Cover page of the Tazewell County Comprehensive Plan
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