Hazard Mitigation Plan in Public Review

The Hazard Mitigation Committee met and held a public forum at which they voted to submit the draft Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan to IEMA.

The Mitigation Advisory Committee, or MAC, held their 5th and final meeting and public forum on Thursday, January 10, 2019 at the Gateway Building in Downtown Peoria. During this forum, the Committee approved and recommended the draft Tri-County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan to be submitted to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for their review and approval. A two-week comment period ending on Friday, January 25, will occur before the Plan is submitted to IEMA and FEMA.

Copies of the draft plan sections can be found here, and the comment form is located here.

If you have any questions regarding the Hazard Mitigation project, feel free to contact Reema Abi-Akar at rabiakar@tricountyrpc.org or (309) 673-9330.

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